Thursday, July 17, 2008

My first post!!

I keep thinking that time is going by way to fast. I look in the mirror and see the time as well as looking at my children. When did I become a grown-up? I wonder if this is what it feels like for other grown-ups. I am unsure of who I am. I know I am a mom and a wife; but what else? I like to take pictures just dabbling. I went to school, not quite done. Who do you go to to find the answers? Does anyone really know who they are? Or do you only know for sure when your time is near? I hope not. I would like to have an idenity separate from mom and wife. I really love being a mom and wife... well most of the time. I am happy with life even though I am not sure what I am doing most of the time. Life is good and the unknown is waiting to be found!